Publishing GDELT Event as RDF Stream.

Publishing GDELT Event as RDF Stream.
  • 1 Web Stream
  • 20 minutes


  • Access to GDELT Global Event Stream
  • An R2RML Mapping
  • An RML Mapping Engine
  • An RDF Stream Processor, e.g., YASPER
  • Data Visualization Technique


  1. Access the Web Stream
  2. Convert the stream into RDF to simplify data integration using the R2RML mapping and the mapping engine

Several studies have been running using GDELT. In particular, data visualization techniques that take into account the spatio-temporal metadata of GDELT extracted events. GDELT offers different APIs to run analysis and a Google Big Query[^3] access to the database. GDELT exposes examples of pre-configures analyses via the analysis service. For instance, the Event TimeMapper visualizes events matching a given search over time.

:events a vocals:StreamDescriptor ; dcat:dataset :eventstream  .
:eventstream a vocals:Stream ;
 dcat:title "GDELT Event Stream"^^xsd:string ;
 dcat:publisher <> ;
 dcat:description "GDELT Events Stream"^^xsd:string ;
 vocals:windowType vocals:logicalTumbling ;
 vocals:windowSize "PT15M"^^xsd:duration ;
 vocals:hasEndpoint [
   a vocals:StreamEndpoint ;
   dcat:license <> ;
   dcat:format frmt:JSON-LD;
   dcat:accessURL "ws://examples:8080/events" ] .

We collected all the information regarding the streams schemas into an OWL 2 Ontology. Moreover, we started an knowledge engineering task that involves both CAMEO and GCAM[^4].

The CAMEO ontology is a coding scheme designed for the study of third-party mediation in international disputes. It contains hierarchical coding scheme for dealing with sub-state actors, event types, and an extensive taxonomy for religious groups and ethnic groups. For CAMEO, we focus on event types and actors, creating a comprehensive hierarchy for the stream.

GCAM is a pipeline of 18 content analysis tools. Each news article monitored by GDELT goes through GCAM pipeline that captures over 2230 dimensions, reporting density and value scores for each. Using GCAM, you can assess the density of “Anxiety” speech via Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), or “Smugness” via WordNet Affect. The GCAM Master Codebook lists of all of the dimensions available[^5]. We converted the Codebook in RDF and we refined it manually to link it to existing vocabularies such as DBPedia and WordNET.

Listing [lst:gdelt1]{reference-type=”ref” reference=”lst:gdelt1”} shows a VoCaLS description for the GDELT Event Stream. GDELT does not use a licence format, thus we include a licence that is compliant with the terms of use. We also linked ontologies and mappings using rdfs:seeAlso. Since the stream is published regularly as 15 minutes batch, we include metadata about the rate, i.e., vocals:windowType and vocals:windowSize at line 6 and 7.

Due to the lack of space, we do not include a vocals:StreamEndpoint for the original source. However, since the complexity of the knowledge engineering task is high, we are particularly interested in making the mapping process transparent to collect feedback and improve data quality.

GDELT content is not natively RDF. Therefore, similarly to what we did for WES, we need to set up a conversion mechanism. Similarly to what we did for Wikimedia Event, Data conversion follows the RML approach, where CSV data are converted using Mapping.

The following Listings show a sample of the GDELT event mapping. We used rr:class to assign the gdelt:Event type to the data at line 4. Moreover, we also assign the CAMEO type using rdf:type at line 7. To model the actors and its type hierarchy, we include a separate triple map at line 12.

<GEM> a rr:TriplesMap ; rml:logicalSource  <source> ;
  rr:subjectMap [ 
    rr:template "{GLOBALEVENTID}";
    rr:class gdelt:Event;
    rr:graphMap [ rr:template  "{DATEADDED}"]];
  rr:predicateObjectMap [
    rr:predicate rdf:type;
    rr:objectMap [rr:template "{EventCode}"; ]];
  rr:predicateObjectMap [
    rr:predicate gdelt:actor;
    rr:objectMap [ rr:parentTriplesMap <Atr1TM> ]]; [...] .
<Atr1TM> rml:logicalSource <source> ;
    rr:subjectMap [ rr:template "{Actor1Name}" ];
     rr:predicateObjectMap [
         rr:predicate gdelt:actorCode;
         rr:objectMap [ rml:reference "Actor1Code" ; ] ]; [...] .

CARML allows us to extrapolate multidimensional entries of the GKG stream like Themes or GCAM dimensions using custom functions. We develop functions that can split the entry content and treat it accordingly. Moreover, we enriched the Persons entry by retrieving relevant DBPedia entities using DBPedia Spotlight and GeoNames APIs for locations.

We publish the GDELT stream using TripleWave approach. We shared the VoCALS description files like the first Listing as S-GRAPH via REST APIs. Since the concept of event is first-class, we opted for a graph-based stream data model that maintains the granularity of information.

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